The Lawyer

Lawyer, advocate, attorney, barrister, solicitor and attorney at law. These are all English and/or American (English-speaking) terms that are often translated (into Dutch) as “advocaat” (or, in plural, as “advocaten”). However, this is not (always)...

The purchase of property

Although this is decreasing due to the increasing digitalization (of the Internet, web shops, e-mails, SMS, WhatsApp and (other) social media), many agreements still are concluded verbally, as one party makes an offer and the other party accepts that offer. In most...

The lawyer

Lawyer, advocate, attorney, barrister, solicitor en attorney at law. Het zijn allemaal Engelse en/of Amerikaanse (Engelstalige) temen die (naar het Nederlands) vaak vertaald worden als “advocaat”. Toch is dat niet (altijd) correct. Als voorbeeld wordt verwezen naar de...